About Hitsuki Waraku 日月和樂

Hitsuki Waraku is dedicated to providing a tailored ‘Japanese Holistic’ experience that aligns your mind and body holistically.

Our goal is to help you deeply understand your soul and body, to maximize your potential and achieve the best quality of life that is in harmony with the world.

By overlaying our unique ‘Japanese Holistic’ approach on data from Western medicine, we believe we can help you sustain energy, sleep better, and improve your well-being.

We hope to extend our hospitality and services to you on our next trip. We promise to make it a special experience with life-long benefits.

For Body

Orthomolecular Medicine Treatment

Orthomolecular treatment is fully personalized. It takes into account an individual’s unique biochemistry, nutritional status, and health conditions and uses nutritional supplements to correct imbalances or deficiencies, enhance the body’s natural healing mechanisms, and support the body’s biochemical processes.

This treatment uses different reference values than those used in general health check-ups to achieve more optimal health.

Holistic Health Panel

Comprehensive Blood Test at the Cellular Level – Orthomolecular Medicine

Hitsuki Waraku’s blood test package looks into your blood chemistry level and hormone function in depth. In combination with a urine test, it screens for 51 items (White Blood Cells; Red Blood Cells; Hemoglobin; Hematocrit; MCV; MCH; MCHC; Platelets; Reticulocyte; Differential Leucocyte Count; Fe; Ferritin; UIBC; HDL Cholesterol; LDL Cholesterol; Triglyceride; Free Fatty Acids; AST(GOT); ALT(GPT); γ-GTP; ALP; Total Bilirubin; Direct).

By screening the body at the cellular level, we can identify the root causes of the negative symptoms at right and mitigate them with functional nutrients. The goal is to optimally align your body as a vessel, to fulfill your Life Mission.

Negative Symptoms

Identifying Root Causes with Blood Test

  • Sleep Disorders
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • High Cholesterol
  • Back Pain
  • Stiff Shoulders
  • Eye Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Obesity
  • Irritability
  • Poor Concentration

Service Flow

Clinic / Report / Nutritional Guidance

1. Decide to Make a Life-Changing Trip to Tokyo (30 seconds)

In case you have any questions about your report, please get in touch with us. Our healthcare professionals will be available to follow up via ZOOM and answer any questions.

For Mind

To Further Purify Your Soul

We believe that ‘Japanese Holistic’ is linked to Shintoism (animism) and founded in concepts of gratitude, respect, and co-prosperity of all things. To further purify your soul, we provide additional experiences that maximize the Japanese spirit of OMOTENASHI.

Tea Ceremony Experience

We believe traditional Japanese tea ceremonies allow one to experience Zen and reconnect with oneself. Led by a first-class English-speaking master, TORIAN offers a genuine and heartwarming cultural experience that is bound to help purify your soul.

TORIAN : https://www.torianchado.jp/en/about/

Japanese Cuisine – Dinner Arrangement(Optional)

Enjoy the best nutritional dinners in Tokyo! We will happily suggest some Japanese restaurants based on your preference. Japanese food is designed to provide a good balance of vitamins and minerals that modern people tend to lack. We hope this showcases how nourishment comes in all forms and that eating healthy can fill your heart while providing sustenance.


If you want to take one more day for a trip, we will be happy to suggest some places based on your preference.


For more detailed information, please contact us from the contact form

We look forward to welcoming you in Tokyo!